Monday, May 19, 2008


China has begun three days of mourning for victims of the Si Chuan earthquake, which has left more than 70,000 people dead, buried under rubble or missing.
Photos Courtesy from

Public Holiday, It's Vesak Day. While many Buddhist devotees pay homage to Buddha, One week had passed since the Earthquake in China. Thank God, my parents were back; safe and sound since 15Th May 2008, 6.30am. They did not visit SiChuan nor ChengDu.

As reported on the news, more than 71,000 people are dead, buried or missing following last Monday's 7.9 magnitude quake, China's state media say. More than 220,000 people were injured. Tears fills my eyes every time i see news reports on China's earthquake.

In Chengdu, the provincial capital, people held hands to observe a three-minute silence in honor of the victims.
Photos Courtesy from

Its Mourn-day Monday, at China. While the Chinese Government declares a 3 day mourning period for the whole of China, the whole Chinese state came to a halt at 1428 local time (0628 GMT), people across the country fell silent for three minutes as air-raid sirens and car horns wailed. I was simply touched when i saw these images on the news and tears started to trickle down.