Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Fragile Lives

Above picture depicts the current state in Si Chuan Province of China. Houses collapsed and people out in the open; outside the hospitals (can u imagine how cold is it in China). Doctors and Nurses rushing to save lives. Even the Chinese temple was not spared from the Earthquake.

(Viewer Discretion Advised: Not for the weak heart-ed)

Bodies found from the aftermath of the earthquake were left lying on the streets. People crying for their loved ones. Mostly found under the rubble are children and students.

I really feel for them. Maybe its because, I am a Chinese too. Let the dead rest in peace, and may the living find strength to live through this ordeal. Hope that they are able to pick themselves up and go on...

On the same note, I feel that Singaporeans
are taking it for granted that we are such a 'peaceful' city. We should all be ready and vigilant; in-case something happens. Natural disasters are not something which can be helped.

There is still no news from my parents, but by right, they should be back by today or tomorrow tentatively. Please continue to pray for their safety in China.

Post-blogging note: posted this in office. Supervisor is on MC.