Friday, April 25, 2008

China Jeans

Wheeeeee!!!! Its Friday again. Work was horrible as usual; but not as terrible yet because my supervisor has been away for the past 3 days. He is/was on exam leave, but work is still nonetheless a harrowing experience. As I dwell in the ice-cold office which I swear is freezing at sub-zero temperatures, is definitely not a nice place to be.

I got to meet up with my ex-classmates of DCNT/12; Jiawei and Glen after work and went to Queensway to shop for a present for Aaron; who’s birthday falls on Monday; 28th April. He happens has the same birthday date as my mother.

We walked around and I finally bought a pair of jeans; at $35 only. So cheap! Right? 1st time I bought so cheap jeans. No doubt that it is not the branded sort; China brand. It is still comfy and looks nice on me! Who says comfy things must be branded. Don't look down on China brand! What kind of stuffs isn’t made in China these days anyway?

EmO FashIon? Nice rite?
China Rawks!!! My ancestors were from China too! (hence; I rawk too!)

Post-blogging note: aside from the behavior of China people in Singapore, they are generally nice and the quality of stuffs which says made in China can be found anywhere and everywhere.