Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Iron Man 2008

I caught a Gala Premiere of the latest Movie; Iron Man at Lido Yesterday. And when I mean Gala Premiere; I meant, I got to watch it even before the sneak preview. I was determined to write a short review of what I though of the movie as I got to catch it way even before the launch in America. The Gala Premiere event was graced by many local actors/ actresses, directors, producers, Deejays etc, and people like me. . . haha

Anyway, back to the critique of the movie, the main difference I noticed as from the comics and cartoons was that the period of the wars was entirely different. Let me elaborate further. Iron Man is a character that falls under the comic time period known as "the silver age", generally regarded as being in the 60's as this was a time when super heroes became both more fantastic and more scientific, with Iron Man falling into the category.

But the film depicts Wars in Afghanistan filled with desert filled landscapes and mountainous caves, and that struck me like an arrow. That is because; the wars were more of a terrorist threat rather than the communist threat; which was more prominent of a problem back in the 60s when the comic and cartoon was originally made.

The two biggest changes made to the iron man story are time and location. But even with major changes, the movie still tried its best to maintain an ongoing continuity and still follows the comic's latest revision and had a similar ending, although there were many twists in the characters and some plots.

Okay. With these brief summaries, I'd rate it 4 stars out of 5 for its familiar story line and creative twists to the plots and characters. The explosive actions and fighting scenes were great too. I stayed till the credits ended, hoping that there would be some trailer to the next episode but was disappointed not to find any.

Movie premieres in Singapore Island wide on 1st May 2008 (and 30th April 2008 for Sneak Preview). I am just one of the lucky ones who caught it one day earlier.

Post-blogging note: I want to thank KongSeng and his friend for the free ticket to watch the Gala Premiere of Iron Man the movie