When i arrived at the MRT station, I think i gave him more than 20 miss calls, and he still didn't pick up the bloddy damn phone. Then I thought i gave him bad instructions and thought he waited at Raffles Place Mrt instead of City Hall, hence I took a traini 1 stop down to Raffles Place to see if he is there. To my dismay, he wasn't. Then had to ask Junrong and the others to help look out for him in City Hall Station. When Boonhua finally picked up my call, He was at City Hall station's other exit. I had to take a train back from Raffles Place to City Hall.
Anyway, We walked from City Hall Mrt to Clark Quay Mrt. Initally wanted to go settlers to play board game and have dinner there. But after the long walk, we finally reach there after many nonsense from Junrong and JingTing who insisted to go settlers, but the settlers cafe was already full house when we found the place. No choice, I quickly suggested to go to centro which is across the road.
Then we had our dinner at 8.30Pm at wakaru.

After Dinner; BoonHua went home while the rest of us went to eski-bar to chill @ boat quay. Freaking Cold there. I then treated them to a drink. JingTing had "Chocolate Matini", Aaron Had "RustyNail", JunRong had an "E-Avalache", while I had a "sex on the beach". Its Fun to meet up with friends. Although I am broke now, but lets meet again soon?