Have you ever seen people reading this book "Rich Dad Poor Dad" while traveling on the train or on the bus? well, i am sure, this is not an uncommon sight. More and more people have begun to read this book.

Published in 1997 then republished in 2001, this book has been around for more than 8 years. And still going popular amongst youths to middle aged men who want to get rich. But then again, can a book written way back before the millennium year of the y2k bug still be quoted and be used in the present times? I highly beg to differ.
It was reported that Kiyosaki, the author is primarily a creature of Amway (now known as Quixtar) and other multi-level marketing organizations. Reportedly, his books were not selling until he allied himself with that crowd. Then the volume of sales to those MLM guys made him a “best-selling author,” which caused normal non-MLM people to think the book must be good.

But think again, autobiography or how to get-rich-book, Poor Dad or Rich Dad won't be so popular unless people buys and read them. However much money the author, Mr Kiyosaki did or didn't make in the past, he's making a fortune by selling the idea that he holds the key to your financial future.
Having sold more than 2 million copies since May 2000 in the United States alone; it's also been translated into other languages and has probably sold 10 times that amount worldwide, I am sure the readers have made the author richer, not by his expertise as stated in the book but by publishing more of these "self help; get-rich-quick" books. It was reported that many people, having read these books, are still in the rat race, and are not doing well. Many are usually still lost as they do not know where or how to proceed even reading all these books.
I am not bashing the book, but just expressing my thoughts, because, you can expect worse vocabularies if I were bashing. Please think twice before purchasing the book or at least, read from a skeptic's point of view. But at least, I am sure, never am I reading such useless books,
Face it, Neither you won't be able to get rich, nor will you be poor in Singapore, unless your last name is L e e. Its a dog eat dog world out there and I personally feel that being down to earth is more important. Btw, I am an anti-MLM person, Its appreciated for u to keep your distance away from me, if you are MLM, or face my wrath.
Face it, Neither you won't be able to get rich, nor will you be poor in Singapore, unless your last name is L e e. Its a dog eat dog world out there and I personally feel that being down to earth is more important. Btw, I am an anti-MLM person, Its appreciated for u to keep your distance away from me, if you are MLM, or face my wrath.
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