Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Anne's last day

Its Department lunch day. I followed my Boss; Dr Jimmy, my supervisor; Daren and my colleague;CK to vivo to eat at Dian Xiao Er (店小二)to have lunch. Boss treat. Food wasn't bad at all.

So many duck heads!!!

The secret manual was the menu. =)

After lunch, we headed to meet with the other department; editorial, who are in the area too.

Well, Its Anne from editorial, who is leaving for greener pastures. . . . her supervisor, Terrence brought the his whole department out for lunch; then to ben & jerry's for dessert. My department only 4 people, we were invited to join in their ice-cream madness.

the Legend of the Vermonster

Her Supervisor, treats us to Ben & Jerrys at ViVo CiTy. We bought a Tub of Ben n Jerry icecream which cost $88.

Vermonster - A monster of a sundae - 20 huge scoops of ice-cream. It has a myriad of flavours and toppings. A few to name are the Choc Chips. M&Ms, Choc Cookies, Colored Rice toppings, Nuts, bananas, cherries, brownies and many more.

Daren (my Supervisor) -> Anne -> CK -> mEe (do i look happie?)

Lotsa Editorial pEeps.

Dr Jimmy (my supervisor's boss) and CK

CK -> Germaine -> daren

My bowl of ben & jerry's . Can't finish. too sinful.

The Aftermath