Tuesday, October 31, 2006

A Gentle Breeze

The Quiz and the LabTest for Networking was a breeze... Its so easy. got 95 for the Quiz and 95 for the LabTest. I Tried to help Gibson for his LabTest but alas, i dunno how to xplain to him. . . cos the Lecturer was looking. . . I was lost during maths. even though i learned the maths be4, I was still lost. . . ah.. nvm...

Monday, October 30, 2006

Days of our lives

At the mrt, while on the way to school, i met my cousin, Junlin. He was also on his way to NUS. Then we chatted and he stopped at Clementi while i alighted at Dover. Networking class was a disaster. The people around me besides Gibson made so much noise. then the lecturer apparently talked to herself, clicked on the powerpoint too fast and i had not enuff time to copy the notes. . .

During Lunch, my group for IDEAs initially wanted to go eat Pizza Hut @ FC 5 cos we need the boxes, but Zhi Cheng went to cope the boxes. . . then we ate KFC instead. . . bought a bottle of black color postal paint and a big brush, a uhu glue from popular book shop. Then went to print the screenshot at FC 3.

During IDEAs, we made our proto type of the wireless/borderless Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). So fun. . . anyway, our group consist of Me, Zhi Cheng, Gibson, Sersing and Qi Rong (Qi Rong is missing from the pictures due to dunno what... he never come to class today...)

Making our Proto type...

after sch, i went to meet my WOW (world of warcraft) guild mates, Constine and Cathia @ Marsling. They brought me to see a chinese Sinseh to rub my back which hurts. then we chatted and stuff. later they went to woodlands lib to study while i went home. tml quiz and lab test.. . . mus go thru the powerpoints...

Good Luck!

-|[Qirong]|- says:
u all told IDEA teacher i'm not ur grp anymore?

. thesaint . says:
i didn't

-|[Qirong]|- says:
the rest did

-|[Qirong]|- says:
okay i dunerstand

. thesaint . says:
i just told her, it isn't fair for qi rong to get the same marks as us cos he didn't contribute as much cos he didn't come for the powerpoint presentation and todays making of the proto type

. thesaint . says:
then she say she will look into it

-|[Qirong]|- says:

. thesaint . says:
she also mentioned that altho u did Not contribute to the powerpoint and the making of the project, you still have other marks to get a pass....

. thesaint . says:
then she say if u continue to like "hack care" attitude, she might recommend u to retake the module next sem

. thesaint . says:
good luck!!!

. thesaint . says:

Friday, October 27, 2006

Swimming @ Jurong East

Had a debate in class: the topic was "Ban Smoking in all public places". My group was the "for" team ; we are "FOR" the ban of smoking in all public places. We had a rough debate. and there were no winners. The lecturer decided to continue the debate next week.

Went Swimming @ Jurong East Swimming Pool with Ken & Boonhwa after school. We swam laps at the deep pool then went to play the slides. My fav pool was the wave pool. the swimming pool had artificial waves and artificial rain. It was fun and great!!! After swimming, we went to Jurong point to do some windowshopping. tiring day. . . having red/sore eyes. . .

Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Hooked onto computer games (world of warcraft) and video games (Final Fantasy 12) ... Hooked so much that i decided to skip class cos i was very late when i arrived at school. while the class went on with the lecture, i went to the library to borrow some materials. . .

them went to meet my classmate at 3.00pm, decided to catch a movie "The Prestige" @ vivo city. Movie was great.

Monday, October 23, 2006


INCORRIGIBLE!!! I boarded the same MRT with this guy in Red Shirt and Black Cap, He sat next to me and was blasting his Music from his mobile phone all the way from Jurong East to Yishun.

Initially i thought of using my mobile phone to blast back. But i didn't because i was considerate enough to spare a thought to the rest of the commuters on the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT)

Please help to expose these kind of people who are so Ugly and inconsiderate.

The problem with sgporeans is that no one took the initiative to Stand up to this fellow and Say ," could you please lower the volume". . . if only i was more assertive. . .

Friday, October 20, 2006


attended the crs lecture this morning, i was late as usual but to my supprise, the lecturer haven start her lessons too. Had lunch at food court 1 then left for ViVo city.

due to last minute planning, only Ken, Edwin and i went to ViVo city. initially Siew Hui and Niting aggreed to join us, but i guess they got Lost somewhere/somehow and landed in Causeway Point.

When we arrived at Vivo City we saw this Hei Se Hui thingy, then took a picture there.

we then walked around to the cinema. On the way to the cinema, i met my NS friends from PCG. after greeting them I went purchased the movie tickets for DEATH NOTE. then we walked to the roof. was hopeing for some paranomic view of sentosa but to my dismay..... only the haze greeted us.

Sentosa: blur


after a quick stroll, we exited to the nearest escalator back to the shops. Ken brought us into Toy R us where we had some fun there. Its very fun once in awhile to pop into that shop where memories of my secondary days came back to me. back then, my class mates and i would visit toys R us for window shopping. . . haha. . . The Toy R us was selling hallowin stuff. . .

Thomas The Train : Ken and me

Bob the Builder Truck : Edwin and mE

Naruto Hair style?

Edwin the witch

Pirates of the Caribean!!!

Ken the Darth Vader

then we went to swensens where i treated them to some Fondue and delcious foods. The rest who didn't come sure did missed out Lao Da's Treat!!!

The Ice Cream Fondue @ Earle Swensen's

Fondue with our Drinks - Soda Choc, Cirtus Spriz, Apple Juice ...

after the food we went to window shop giant mart then head for the cinema at 3:10pm. Bid Edwin farewell on the way there i bumped into sharon and her friend. haha. . . wad a small world. The movie was GREAT!!!! The plot was great and it wasn't scary at all (wasn't meant to be anyway)

After the movie we went to the mrt and I went back home while ken went back to school for his CCA. Back home, i went to cyber active to purchase a DVD rom drive for Esther's PC. gonna repair her PC later... another day without computer gamesss.....

BUT!!! I reallie enjoyed myself today. . . Thanks Guys!!!

Thursday, October 19, 2006

another thursday. . .

Went early to sch this morning to show the FE lecturer my expemtion letter. Then walked around the class doing nothing cos i m expemted ^^,

Managed to do up all the designated Java programming as indicated in the pratical lab sheets . with the help of the lecturer of course . Maths was understandable again . the maths lecturer went through what she taught last week and went through the tutorials. Then she gave us info on the PBL (problem based learning). intially i was grped with glen, jiawei and sersing. then when i saw felicia and maha only 2 ppl, i decided to jump ship and grp with them instead.

after lessons i took mrt and went to my grannys house at Tiong Bahru. arrived her house at 4.20pm, knocked on the door, noOne in . then i went to macs and bought a drink, then whipped out my lappy to surf the net there. at 4.45pm , rang my granny's and her maid picked up saying that they reached home from the market. Went to the house and played with the dog . had house hold meeting there with some church people @ 8.15pm thereafter i went home then blog this. . . . . . . Tiring. . .
I always enjoyed my gems lesson, maybe its the lecturer or the class's ambience . The lecturer, Ms Sharen Lim is a very nice person and she always gives us tips and ideas on job searching skills, she also uses her own job search experience as a guide . after class, I went to help out with ushering at the convention center . The talk at the convention center was organised by the SAF to inform the students who are soliders to be some insight on what they will face in the camp and to relive them of their burning questions . out of fun, i also wrote a question for the CO 3 SIR to answer . my question for him was , "if msia and indon were to attack sg, will mindef be able to hold back the attacks." I was very sastified with his answer which was that sg being a close neighbour to it neighbouring country has very good diplomatic ties. He assured that there will not be war as it is non favourable to either countries .

after the usering duty, I bid glen farewell and went to the food court to dine with aaron and JR . thereafter i took bus 74 with them back home .

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Got exemption comfirmed

woke up at 8am reached sch at 9.59am . I entered the classroom only to find the Networking tut lecturer leaving the class . Then i found out that i actually missed his lesson cos i kept thinking i was expempted for electronics which ends at 10am and hence was late (which means i still can afford to miss 1 more lesson . haaha) . Lunch was at kfc . had zinger meal . I was tellin glen and the rest that almost every week i eat kfc hahaz . then i went to the popular to purchased a networking book . its one of the recommemded text from the lecturer . must spend some time to go thru the book . i hoped to pass that module well.

during java, i went to sat with felicia and maha during the breaks . maths was still ok . i managed to understand what the lecturer is trying to get across . but the lecturer was unable to control the class which made helllotsanoise . poor lecturer . shes fasting somemore . during the lesson, admin office called me to go pick up some letter, they say that the letter was sent to me, but it got bounced back to them . after class i went direct to the admin block to get the letter which turned out to be the exemption letter for fundamentals of electronics which i applyed 3 weeks ago . will need to show it to the lecturer on thursday .

Tuesday, October 10, 2006


Startin anew here...