I always enjoyed my gems lesson, maybe its the lecturer or the class's ambience . The lecturer, Ms Sharen Lim is a very nice person and she always gives us tips and ideas on job searching skills, she also uses her own job search experience as a guide . after class, I went to help out with ushering at the convention center . The talk at the convention center was organised by the SAF to inform the students who are soliders to be some insight on what they will face in the camp and to relive them of their burning questions . out of fun, i also wrote a question for the CO 3 SIR to answer . my question for him was , "if msia and indon were to attack sg, will mindef be able to hold back the attacks." I was very sastified with his answer which was that sg being a close neighbour to it neighbouring country has very good diplomatic ties. He assured that there will not be war as it is non favourable to either countries .
after the usering duty, I bid glen farewell and went to the food court to dine with aaron and JR . thereafter i took bus 74 with them back home .