Thursday, March 20, 2008

Good Friday 2008

Tommrow is Good Friday, also called Holy Friday or Great Friday, is the Friday preceding Easter Sunday.

On this day Christians commemorate the passion, or suffering, and death on the cross of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Many Christians spend this day in fasting, prayer, repentance, and meditation on the agony and suffering of Christ on the cross.

At the same time, Easter has nothing to do with Eggs and bunnies. Its the day which commemorates the resurrection of Christ.

from left: Jim, Mee, Clara & WeiYi

Today, one of the bosses treat the whole technology and MIS department to lunch at Bloogies; somewhere around Science park 1. The food was nice but the waiting was horrible. Cos everyone's lunch came except mine. when mine came, the rest of my colleges almost finished their food.

After Work, I went to Hereen to meet Genevieve and Jiawei to buy presents for the 5 birthday people. As usual, Genevieve is late (agreed to meet at 7.10pm, she came at 8.10pm). . . . We bought from flesh imp and Everlast while jiawei bought a pair of shoes from limited edition shop. Then had late dinner at Cineleisure.

Mee: 我是 'L'
Genevieve: 我是 'Kira'

J.W the Shopping King!!!

Mmmm. . . eatting my Yang Dou Fu

Looking forward to the long week end ahead.