FINALLY!!! MD 31 just ended at VCH. The concert was nice. The year 3s had their fun. well, next year would be my turn. all the 10 tickets i sold to, turned up. and the songs were played up to satisfactory.
Morning, after church, i went to clementi to eat lunch with WenShao, Tiak Woo and Vincent. After lunch we went back to sch. where i started the crazy polishing contra frenzy. polished all the way even on the bus.
Rehearsed at 3.30pm with contra alto dangling on my neck for Die Mistersinger. Hard sia. not the kinda experience i like. my hands trembled while rehearsing. hard to run. I need the tall chair when playing Contra Bass, and normal Chair while playing the Contra Alto. I told the Concert Cordinator and laoban about the problem. but nothing was solved. *zzz, either they dont understand my needs or i dont express my needs well enough to them, sian ½*
Interval, took pics with SoonYeow, Alicia, Shaz, and my family and relatives. Then went back stage to take some pics with my section. one by one they took with laoban, onli i never take.
After the concert, its cam whoring time. people go around and cam whore. I also cam whore abit, then went to keep my contras and went to change into something more comfy. I helped the percussion to move their instruments.
The buses and lorry were kinda late. while we waited, the rest snapped pictures again I snapped some with them (please send me the pics). =) On the bus, i sat beside liming. Fabian and Wenshao kept singing mandarin oldies from the 80s/90s (some even i dont know). Huiying, felicia and liming sang along. haha
Arrived SP, I helped to carry percussion again, then carried the chimes. then i went to give out chocolates, I bought earlier, I took some candy from brenden(oboe), Choc from Ahloong(trpt), Cho from huiying, etc. Then went back with Jiarong, Junwen, Lixuan, Sianghong and Aiman.
Tmr, got MCT labtest. need to read up abit before i sleep.
but i was abit pissed off earlier (during the reharsal), as i had to play the contra alto in mid air, dangling off my neck. the process was painful cos the contra alto is heavy and i cant run on the notes with that thing dangling off my neck, which results in some missing parts (i asked weeseng, "can i quit?" on the spot arggh!!!) , during the concert itself (esspecially die mistersinger and believe). Not that i want to self declare rest, but i simply cant play it with the contra alto dangling in mid air. what i practiced was with the contra alto on the floor, not dangling in mid air/on my neck. arrgh. but who cares, my part is redundant anyway. (-_- |||) *emo*