Shinching says: i ask u ah
Shinching says: elearning
Shinching says: got wad homework
▪ thesaint ▪ says: good question
Shinching says: i keep finding like dun haf.
Shinching says: -.-
▪ thesaint ▪ says: maths - learn your statistics
crs - post online discussion (& do powerpoint)
NwE - learn your ip addressing
▪ thesaint ▪ says: FE - i dunno
IDEAS - like dun have
Shinching says: hmm..
Shinching says: anymore?
▪ thesaint ▪ says: aNd Last but not least. revise on your modules (MST around the corner)
Wow. so many thingys to be done. . . . must start these already. . . .