Tuesday, November 07, 2006

E-learning Week...

E-learning week now...

what am i doing???

doing some E-learning! Duh!

went to sch yesterday to meet maha, felica and Genevith (dunnow how 2 spell ur name. haha) to do some maths assigments. managed to do the maths PBL (problem based learning)

then went to my cousin Paul Weng's house to stay. . .

today, did some maths . . . forgot all how 2 do le. . .

then taught him how to play a song on his piano.

check it out! this one i play one. . . he still learning. . .

the Video below is very VERY Loud . . . pls tune down alittle. . . Do Not Damage your Ears!!!

And that was " Graduation Song - Vitamin C " =)